Industry Bodies

The BSPF (British Swimming Pool Federation) brings together under one umbrella the UK bodies representing...

... contractors, manufacturers, distributors, importers and retailers of swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and associated equipment. 

Having a unified voice for the wet leisure industry allows better dialogue with the government and other relevant organisations that impact our industry. It is then possible to ensure an effective communication system is in place to update the industry on upcoming issues. The BSPF is the sole shareholder of both SPATEX and also of PIP.



The British Swimming Pool Federation comprises:


BISHTA - (British and Irish Spa and Hot Tub Association) 

The association for the self-contained domestic spa and hot tub market, promoting safe hot tub standards for the public. Technical advice and mediation services are also available.


SPATA – (Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association)

Setting and publishing technical standards for the construction and operation of pools, spas, saunas and steam rooms. Technical advice and mediation services are also available.


PIP - (Pool Industry Promotions)

PIP is responsible for promoting the swimming pool and hot tub industry, both within the trade and, more importantly, to the end-user/consumer.


STA - (Swimming Teachers Association) 

(Member of the BSPF) The world's largest swim teaching and lifesaving organisation, providing qualifications to the sports and leisure industry.

The BSPF works closely with;

ISPE  - (Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers) BSI - (British Standards Institution)
PWTAG - (Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group). EUSA - (European Union of Swimming Pool And Spa Associations)
ROSPA - (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)