Exhibitor Press Releases

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(Re)Cover and Blue Professional Poolware
(Re)Cover and a specialist in high quality polycarbonate and PVC slats with our own unique profile, high quality control and ongoing reserach and development to stay in front of design advancements an …
30 Day Study Starts for Chill Tubs
A Chill Tub can have many different benefits on the body including; reducing muscle soreness, improving recovery time, decreasing inflammation, improving circulation and more. TransformNow are working …
'Superior Spas' secure funding to complete their planned expansion
The UK's largest independent distributor of high-quality hot tubs and swim spas, 'Superior Spas' have successfully secured £1.6m funding to complete their planned expansion which will see the family b …
3-Use Disk for the WaterLink SpinTouch
Exclusively for use with the WaterLink SpinTouch, LaMotte have created the 3 use disk, making a water test using the SpinTouch even faster and even more cost effective. Measuring Free Chlorine, Total …
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